
Friday, September 19, 2003


One of my close friends recently shared that a mutual friend of ours was attending her acupuncture class listening to the professor lecture when- all of a sudden, and quite out of nowhere- the teacher's skirt fell off.

First of all, I don't know how it's possible that one cannot tell when one's skirt does not fit snugly around one's waist, but my friends, that is not the worst part of the story.
The professor wasn't wearing any panties!!!.
Nothing! Her unmentionable swimsuit areas were out there for the world to behold! Now that's embarassing...mmmmmkay? How does one regain composure after one's students see one's privates?...what does one say?)

The moral of this story is, if one is going to wear a skirt that is a little too large, one should make sure that one is wearing panties so that one is not exposing one's bare bum!
...And you thought teaching was boring...

(Shudder) Please God, if you're really real...don't let that ever happen to me.

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