
Monday, September 20, 2004


Hey guys! Here I am again. I am sure that my return will not be marked by the shout of trumpets or the raising of flags, and that's okay. Many thanks to IronPants, however, who coaxed me into blogging again. I can't promise much, but I will do what I can. Of course, I am also very interested in catching up on your lives (if anyone is reading this. If not, that's okay also).

There are so many things to talk about! I will quickly recap the events of my life since I last left the blog. I will do this in bullet form so as to eliminate confusion. Here goes:

That is pretty much what's going on in my life in the moment. Rest assured I will be back with more, kids. (Again, not that anyone is reading this.) Please post/comment to my blog and let me know if you're alive! I miss you!


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